Plaque Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin condition that tends to run in families. The most common form causes red, flaky patches of skin covered with raised silvery scales, known as plaques. These appear on the skin or scalp and can be mild to severe. Plaques may appear for the first time at any age. Psoriasis is not contagious, so it cannot be caught from someone else. There is no cure for psoriasis, however, there are many effective treatment options. Your doctor is the best place to start finding a treatment that works best for you.
What psoriasis plaques may look like
The appearance of psoriasis lesions can vary depending on the severity, where they are on the body and even a person’s natural skin tones. Here are a selection of psoriasis plaques that may or may not be like the ones you have experience with.
Symptoms and Triggers
Common symptoms for plaque psoriasis include:
Symptoms of plaque psoriasis may vary, talk to your healthcare provider to learn more.
These are also certain triggers that may affect your plaque
psoriasis, here are some common ones: